Jigoku(Kumamoto) |Hot springs deep inside Japan

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[Outline] Kumamoto Jigoku @Minamiaso-mura, Aso-gun Gas emission is used for an enough hidden hot spring and an ancient-times hot-spring cure into an emit jigoku at the Aso formal-headgear-for-court-nobles Dakeyama foot.
[Spring quality] The Touji of a four fountainhead (former jigoku egg jigoku sparrow Touji Arayu) simple acid sulfur spring (hydrogen sulfide type) pH2.60~3.89 fountainhead temperature [ of 41.8-61.0 ° ] natural gush sparrow (fountainhead bathtub)
[Altitude] The hidden hot spring of about 800 m and the Aso jigoku
[Environment] Isolated lodge
[Mountain climbing and sightseeing] Mt. Aso, the Aso caldera, Aso 5 mountain (Mt. Taka, an inside mountain, Mt. Eboshi, a Mt.Masujima-dake, and Mt. Neko), and the inside mountain 1st -- a crater, the Mt. Aso aerial ropeway, the Sensui-kyo aerial ropeway, a sand Senri ヶ beach, a Kusasenrigahama, the Shirakawa head, and night Mineyama
  • Seifuso Seifuso
The Characteristic
Even if it is an active volcano which continues activities like Asama-yama, the volcano which there is no formation of the enough jigoku of an exhalation belt, and is not blessed with the gush of hydrogen sulfide type hyperthermal springs is also that of an enough, but a jigoku forms a jigoku in surface of the earth uniquely in the Aso volcano, and is gushing the hot spring of a volcanic system automatically.Also unexpectedly, the hot spring of an optimum temperature is gushing automatically southwest in a desolate scene [ like burnt remains about 5.1 km ] whose enough former jigoku is from the formal-headgear-for-court-nobles Dakeyama foot of Aso 5 mountain, and the first burner of an inside mountain.The fountainhead is a spa resort depended from ancient times four places.

The Aso volcano and the first burner of an inside mountain
There are burner west and a burner east (Sensui-kyo side) in burner observation.Since it may be entered and regulated depending on a wind, pre confirmation is recommendation.

The first burner of an inside mountain, 2004-6-9

Activities liveliness and basins are few these days.
The 2004 January 14 days Eruption (it calls at the Meteorological Agency)
The 2005 April 14 days Eruption
It is a basin of milk green now [ the formation of postprecipitation Shizuka ].

Jigoku spa resort

A jigoku, a former jigoku (location of a hot spring)

* It is dangerous with hydrogen sulfide gas.Please do not approach the location of a hot spring by any means.

Although there is a new exhalation and there is likely to be no gush of a hot spring within hot spring cottage place afforestation of the Yoshioka area of an about 1-km kita, close a mad thermos is also and it can check prosperous activities.

A city (Aso), a town (Takamori-cho), and a village (Minami-Aso-mura) are in a 350-square kilometer caldera, and there is Aso 5 mountain in a certain Aso caldera and huge crater geographical feature entirely.The break of 120 km or more of surroundings and a cingulum only in a somma is Shirakawa, and "town Aso of the world's largest caldera" exists, without becoming a crater lake and a caldera bay, when Shirakawa broke through the somma though the origin is unknown.

The Mt. Taka summit of the mountain, 2004-6-9

The first burner of an inside mountain from the inside Dakeyama top, a Mt.Masujima-dake
Mountain Mt. Taka mountain climbing in Mt. Aso is here.

Mt. Aso aerial ropeway

Azalea-in-Mt stock The Asomachi operate road

An azalea-in-Mt Large stock is located in the circumference of the Aso aerial ropeway summit-of-the-mountain station, or Mt. Taka Toho.
The four fountainhead (a former jigoku, an egg jigoku, a sparrow hot spring, Arayu)
Simple acidity sulfur spring (hydrogen sulfide type)
pH2.60~3.89 Fountainhead temperature of 41.8-61.0 °
Natural gush

The hot spring of a sparrow (fountainhead bathtub)

Aso, the foot pasture of a Mt.Masujima-dake


Shirakawa spring It is a must although it is an entrance charge,
PET bottle carrying in OK

Neuralgia, rheumatism, diabetes, high blood pressure, a skin disease, women's diseases, muscular pain, gout, etc.
By Train
Kagoshima Line -> Kumamoto station -> Houhi railroad -> Tatsuno station -> A taxi or a reservation welcome and send-off, and about 11 km -> jigoku
Tatsuno station -> Minamiaso Tetsudo -> Aso Shimoda castle contact Onsen station -> A taxi or an omnibus taxi, and about 6 km -> jigoku
They are Jigoku and Taretama Hot Spring Going Terminal in Aso Shimoda Castle Contact Onsen Station to Omnibus Taxi. * Important Point Reservation One Way of 400 Yen 090-4776-7011
[The Aso Shimoda castle contact Onsen from station]
[A from seifuso]
Welcome and Send-off
From the Aso Tatsuno station to a micro welcome and send-off (* important point reservation)
■ The Aso Tatsuno from - station, seifuso going 14:35 shots, 17:25 shots
■ A from - seifuso, the Tatsuno station going 10:00 shots
By Car
Kyushu Expressway -> Kumamoto IC alighting -> R57 and the Aso big bridge course, and about 30 km -> jigoku
All other routes are cross a ridges.
Kumamoto Airport -> About 25 km -> jigoku